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Share your FullScreen - Member Created Scenes here

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Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
August 20, 2015 (edited)
I decided to tweek the BoyC TheCave fragment shader as much as my Nvidia card would allow without croaking. So here is the result thus far. As per usual, I've tried to describe whats happened in the code comments as much as possible.
The biggest (most demanding I guess) changes here are I've added more rendering cycles at line 172, increased iterations to 128 and increases to fade and z scale depth, repathing at line 189 and I've cut out the original shadows code entirely because imho it wasn't very aesthetic anyhow.

The modified shader still has a long way to go lighting-wise however the journey route is now varied from the one above (path no longer follows that little guiding light even though light is still travelling about). If you have a Graphics card equal to or higher than my NVidia GTX 660ti these scenes should run ok, otherwise you may find they will stall a lot or may not even run at all. I hope they do.Goodluck & happy experimenting.! Zip = 3.31 MB (2 new scenes are named 'uber tweek';-)

Edit: 21 Aug updated to include @HSS adjusted model reflection to make masking redundant
(see discussion
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
I decided its time to start a thread for customized scenes like we had for customized skins. I am not sure if the artwork forum section is the right place so if the Mods think this should go into anot...
) Thanks @Hombre, also resized Surface_Texture sampler2D to 1920 x 1200 to better suit @Lunarpup's art. Zip = 3.31 MB

Share your Scenes:
iStripperに関する全て / Share your FullScreen - Member Created Scenes here
This thread will be Strictly for the member created Scenes for Full Screen and the Screen Saver. list of shared Scenes Thread Scene Discussio...
(posts with d/load links only)
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
I decided its time to start a thread for customized scenes like we had for customized skins. I am not sure if the artwork forum section is the right place so if the Mods think this should go into anot...
(Fullscreen current tech issues etc.)
(basic Scene construction tutorials)
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
September 2, 2015
Moving right along with a far better Tunnel than above.. >> An endless Labyrinth omg !.
After some exhaustive trial & error struggles sans..(please come back @TheEmu);-(, I've cobbled together a remix of BoyC's TheCave shader. Hmm, the bulging, looming black masses have gone and been replaced with static low light seams and there is better light, movement and resolution. A good journey throughout.
See // code comments ~gosh there are lots of them. Good luck & if your GPU ( >NVidia660ti) can play it ok, pls keep remixing this one because any help here is appreciated. Thanks a lot, enjoy ;-) Zipsize= 4.53 MB
Joined in Oct 2010

1249 投稿
September 2, 2015
@ET: I said I was going to try and figure out why some clips play ok and others don't with this scene...
Well, you beat me to it, buddy! On my GTX650, this now plays as smooth as silk. It also looks prettier! GOOD JOB! I'll have to dig in your code to see what you changed... This could be a significant advance in Shader tech as it refers to VG :D
Thanks, buddy :)

Btw, have you been following the current posts on the new V4 thread? @DarkRider came up with an idea and Rex has pretty much rubber-stamped his suggestions. It may take a little work but I think we can make this go VIRAL on VGHD ;) Fame. At last! Ok. Just kidding...
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
September 2, 2015 (edited)
HeyHey Amigo ;-) ~ oh sheesh,.. you just beat me to the perennial update on said zip by minutes .
If it doesn't run..then keep the old SCN zip with the native Surface_textures size as before..its just a scn file change. Yes I saw the @DarkRider's muse & @Rex's reply but they didn't mention @TheEmu so ..whatever@#$! LOL. I dread fame :-/

Edit: Updated 9/03/15 zipsize 3.45 mb (same link as above)
~optimized shader sprite for 1920 x 1200 textures & less pixilation
~reset camera and anim parmeters to suit above
~added Clip parameter 'deny' for table etc. to prevent old cards interpreting
'sittingheight' setting as an allowed standing height.

Edit2:09/04/15 .. I'm currently running this shader with higher max iterations (see discussion
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
I decided its time to start a thread for customized scenes like we had for customized skins. I am not sure if the artwork forum section is the right place so if the Mods think this should go into anot...
) and several other tweeks which I am loath to post on the share, in view of the high variety of GPUs out there. This is starting to look like a candidate for several uniforms which can be applied at SCN level for peeps with either highend or medium end rigs :-/..also Totem should note this for future development of uniform SCN selections for different GPUs to suit customers at a console level.

Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
September 5, 2015 (edited)
----------------- lastly ---
Experimental name-tree group for develper testing of VGHDPlayer file size conversions, For recoding fragment shaders to suit lower-end GPUs and for correcting tiling in BoyC-TheCave fragment shader (modified). Recommended for GPUs => NVIDIA GTX 660ti. shader mod uses high-end GPU settings.
Non Commercial use ONLY please.
props: @Wyld,@TheEmu, @Number6,@yidincrete,@HSS, others
NOTE: Contains some large test textures. The zip size hence is quite large 215 MB
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
September 8, 2015 (edited)
Partly inspired by stalled tiling & multishader attempts, here is a final update for the high-end GPU Test bench before going to complete my holidays. A few things needed doing :
~ new floating stage with tinted glass floor
~ Texture hotspots have been unified to all as 0.5, 0.0
~ SCN includes coincident use of one fsh mod blending two textures.

AnotherTunnel_shadertoydotcom_BoyC_TheCave_MsX3RH_ETModGo1.fsh is used on sampler2Ds to render a few of Number6's outstanding JPG fractals collection.' Another quad nested FSH uses yidincretes beach2 texture, to show through at the non-seamed areas of the Labyrinth. Yidincrete's texture is good for that because its almost like a greyscale pic and the distinct rich brown-soft gold texture contrasts well with most of Number6's collection fractals.

I've demonstarted using both jpg and png quads (yes I know transparency.jpg is an oxymoron jiji ;-)) to mount the shader twice hoping lack of extra transparency calculations may lower the load on GPUs. Ive reversed the texture selections also to compare effects, and alternated the Surface_texture sample sizing. There may be a bit of shudder in the foreground on some GPUs which you can ameliorate using the TheCave's line 51 float time=iGlobalTime/20.37+43.63; if you need to.
This updates previous LabyrithBTest, without overwriting any SCNs. zip is 24.7 MB

Its experimentally oddish but it all compiles ok on your VGHDPlayer..Good luck with the modding & pls share any of your efforts no matter how small, for others to experiment ongoing with in the forum. Thanks a lot ;-)

Edit: Update 10th Sept 15

Repeated the Labyrinth C05 - C11 series but with a BoyC shader adjustment called ~Go2.
TheCave shader 'Go2' ammendment, now includes lighting via Go1's previously stroked out shader code line 182 :182 lp=Position3D(time+0.3,lighta,lightb,lightc,lightd);

Also I have stroked off the redundant shader calls in the frame buffers just for this D series alone to see if it runs better on earlier GPUs.
No files are replaced by this update EXCEPT Labyrinth C08 which had a missaligned sprite. Assumes previously installed Labyrinth files (above) in order to run. Zipsize = 22.0 Kb
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
September 11, 2015 (edited)
ELECTRICAveNew name-tree update ~ adding Laby scenes with TestD settings:
Includes 5 BoyC Go2Mod Labyrinth scenes for ELECTRICAveNew name-tree series based on the D Labyrinth test coding. To avoid excessive 'sparklies' it uses coincidently two open ET sampler2D directories, ETImages/Plaftexrot01 and Textures/Surfaces - 512x512. Ie: hopefully its a touch lower on intense fractals.
Note unless you separately call textures from different open folders, VGPlayer ( clever thing that it is :-) will choose to use the same texture for both shader instances. This tiny zip is designed for peeps who have previously populated the above ET texture folders & right clickers who want more random diversity. It does not overwrite any previous 'Ubertweeks'etc.
I've included shadertoy's cubes & noise tex folders for easy compatibility with future Web_gl to VGPlayer shader conversions. Enjoy, zip = 5.33 MB

Joined in Oct 2010

1191 投稿
September 13, 2015
@MPerator has posted a couple of Star Wars based fullscreen scenes
in this thread

If you like Star Wars then they are excellent. Give them a try.
Joined in Dec 2007

21 投稿
September 13, 2015
And now at the right place within the forum (thats the article mentioned by Number6 above):

I just created my first scene for usage within fullscreen mode. It adapts a Scene on board of the Millenium Falcon of Star Wars and includes a "normal" version and a "beamed" version that's more like the holograms within the movie. If you like it, you can download it from

Have fun.
Joined in Aug 2009

2 投稿
September 13, 2015
I alweays knew that R2-D2 and C-3PO are perverts :D.
Joined in Dec 2007

21 投稿
September 13, 2015
New improved version of Strip Wars Scene under:
Joined in Dec 2007

21 投稿
September 13, 2015
Just finished the brand new Emperor and Vader add on...
If you like it you can download it from here:

Have Fun!
Joined in Mar 2008

10 投稿
September 13, 2015
Stunning StarWars goodness! Thanks for sharing :)
Joined in Dec 2007

21 投稿
September 14, 2015
3rd and as last scene for these days I created a one with Darth Vader in falling snow - caught shortly after his troops reached the snowplanet Hoth. :-)

If you like Vaders Scene, you can download it from here:

Have fun!
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
September 29, 2015
Although I have not been able to upload anything for the last few weeks
I have been updating the Complex Functions shader which now has quite a
few extra capabilities. In addition to simply evaluating a series of
functions, f(z) of a complex variable it can supports

Evaluating f(z), f(1/z), f(log(z)), f(log(1/z)) and f(1/log(z))
Evaluating the reciprocals of all of the above
Evaluating the log of all of the above
Evaluating 1 / log of all of the above

Iterate the function to any degree

Applying mappings to the domain before function evaluating
In particular these mapping may invert the domain or they
may map the whole of the complex plane to a finite region.

Domain trimming so that only a finite area is retained, or
is discarded. The colour, defaulting to transparent, for a
trimmed area may be specifified in the .scn file.

Rendering any result that is calculated as a NaN in a user
specified colour, defaulting to transparent.

Controling how contour lines are displayed. The ability to
do this has been extended and the defaults changed so that
the "noisy" areas that were often seen before are now much
reduced or entirely eliminated.

Controlling the translucency of the generated image.

In addition the capabilities of the Data Panel code embedded in this
shader have been extended. Unfortunately I have not had time to produce
a simple standalone example, but I will do so in the near future.

In addition to simple uses there are a few series of scenes that make
of the shader to construct rooms or boxes.

To go with all this there are many more example scenes, so many that I
have had to rename them in a way that directly reflects the values used
for the main control parameters. There are also so many that it is not
practical to install them all where VGHD can find them, so most of them
are only present in separate zip files within the main zip.

I have extended the descriptive text files. Please read these before
running any of the scenes, particularly the one labelled TWO WARNINGS
as it includes important information about possible problems that you
may encounter and how, I hope, you can avoid them.

The non-experimental set of Tunnels scenes has been updated to use the
new version of the Complex Functions shader.

The direct links to the zip files are


Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
October 2, 2015 (edited)
Updated both Go1 & Go2 versions of my BoyC The Cave shader mod.
made changes to line 194: lv=length(tpn)*62.83; //related shadows to tpn ~ET

Because this code change is backwardly compatible, ie: it does not spoil or impact on any earlier linked SCN files, I've allowed replacement of Go1 & Go2 versions of the shader mod. You can still find the original shader versions there which I have preserved under names xxx_old.fsh
Joined in Jan 2014

12 投稿
October 6, 2015 (edited)
Very very good evening (or morning - that's optional) for everyone!
Seems like it's been a while since I was here for the last time! Lot of a new good stuff))))
I just made one more scene called "Pole Stage". Hope you will like it ;)
It's based on Shades by Wyld Animal and Fracedelic Scenes by No.6 - Pole
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
October 8, 2015 (edited)
8th Oct
Updated both Go1 & Go2 versions AGAIN of the BoyC TheCave shader mod as a Series E
Made several major settings changes, nb: // comments. In one example the same random Sampler2D texture using same shader have been placed at separate distances around zero z pos in the SCN to
attempt to amelliorate distance pixel-averaging sparklies.

All is backwardly compatible, thus pls allow replacement of all files during extract,
Old shaders are archived. Remix & have fun with it. Thanks a lot. Zipfile = 8.56 MB
Share your Scenes:
iStripperに関する全て / Share your FullScreen - Member Created Scenes here
This thread will be Strictly for the member created Scenes for Full Screen and the Screen Saver. list of shared Scenes Thread Scene Discussio...
(posts with d/load links only)
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
I decided its time to start a thread for customized scenes like we had for customized skins. I am not sure if the artwork forum section is the right place so if the Mods think this should go into anot...
(Fullscreen current tech issues etc.)
(basic Scene construction tutorials)
Joined in Oct 2010

1191 投稿
October 11, 2015 (edited)
Have just added some new Fracedelic Scenes. They are in a zip file located at

The new scenes include two new scenes (20 and 21) added to the original Fracedelic scenes list. There are also a couple of new abstract shaders scenes (14 and 15) added to the Abstract Shaders scenes list. There is also a new category "Psychedelic Shaders" which is similar to the abstract shaders but uses shaders that are more colourful and possibly simpler than some of the abstract ones.

I have added some additional images to the "fractal" and "fractal round" folders, including some of @Lunarpup's wonderful creations. These will work with the older fracedelic scenes (if you have them) as well as the new ones.

I have also added some more images for the Complex Function Psychedelic scenes. There are no new scenes for these but the additional images will work with existing scenes.

With the images the zip file is around 115MB.

Please note that the all the scenes in this zip file will work if installed to the their own folder but will work much better if installed into the same folder as the previous Fracedelic Scenes that I have issued. This gives a greater selection of images, etc. Please note that if installing with the previous Fracedelic scenes you may get some nags about duplicate files. Tell Windows to overwrite the files - this makes sure you have the latest version of the files.

Feel free to use any of the scenes for whatever you wish to.
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
October 14, 2015 (edited)
14th Oct
Added 2 more floating stages to the E Labyrinth using Yidincrete's idea of progressive
forward movement, also added a shader-free 7 model SCN variation to a remixture of Paris
Penthouse Club useful for Artshares.
pls allow merging of folders & replacement of all files during extract, There are no
fsh changes involved this time. Remix & have fun with it all.. Zipfile = 15.8 MB

edit: had the tried stages bouncing around off the Laby walls but it looked a bit harsh. SCNs like Yidincrete's and these make you wish you have a ~pause-coming forward~ hotkey in fullscreen ~ET
Joined in Oct 2010

1191 投稿
October 14, 2015 (edited)
Thanks to @EverthangForever for finding an error in the 14 series files for the new psychedelic shaders that I posted recently. He advised that the shader used used in the scenes Psychedelic 14a, 14b, 14c, 14d and 14e gives just a black screen instead of the shader. This apparently only affects NVIDIA graphics cards.

An even bigger thanks to @Wyldanimal for finding the problem in the shader code and supplying a fix for it. I have udated the shader to include @Wyldanimal's fix and I have amended the zip file. This hopefully will now work OK on all graphics cards.

If you have the previous zip file I issued before today then there is no need to download it again. I have put the revised shader file in a drop box folder s

Open the scenes folder (Click on Open scenes folder button in the fullsscreen tab in the VG Software.
Go to the No..6_Fracedelic_Scenes Folder (or wherever you installed the Fracedeilc scenes to) then go to the "Shaders" folder and delete the file "Knotting_No.6.fsh". Then copy the new file into the folder.

Please note you only need to do the above if you have an NVIDIA graphics card and the shader was not playing. If the shader plays OK then ignore the above - unless you are planning to get an NVIDIA Graphics card for Xmas :-)

Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
October 16, 2015 (edited)
16th Oct
Updated my Go2 version of the BoyC TheCave shader mod as a Series E Labyrinth.
Made several changes, most useful to note being:
~related shadows to only z axis for tpn * pi^3 in line 196
~shadow precision reduced to zero in line 189 and several other adjustments
~Updated a few graphics..hence the zipsize.
This fsh update runs a touch faster, however allows better re-progression of the stages and tiling etc.
A big thanks to @Number6 for use of fractals collections.
As usual, allow merging of folders & replacement of all files during extract.
Remix & have fun.. Zipfile = 55.5 MB

Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
October 19, 2015
19th Oct
started working on mirroring the opposing edges of some of Number6's fractal textures as ongoing investigation of better contiguous tiling & seaming of sampler textures in TheCave fsh mod (a seam match is visible on center pic above). Uses co-incident shader rendering around z = 0 as before to manage sparkles.
Joined in Sep 2013

164 投稿
October 19, 2015
Joined in Sep 2013

164 投稿
October 19, 2015
I'm sorry, I used the wrong map.
Joined in Dec 2008

227 投稿
October 21, 2015
I have uploaded 3 scenes under the general title "HDE-Fashion Show" to
The scenes are "ClubStyle", "Romanesque", "White CatWalk".
The HDE-Fashion file is 14 MB.
They are CPU intensive as they have many clips and quite a lot of animation. There are no shaders.
I am indebted to WyldAnimal, EverthangForever, yidincrete, HombreSinSobra, MrCrowley for their examples and techniques.
Joined in Dec 2008

227 投稿
October 21, 2015
I have uploaded 3 scenes under the general title "HDE-Home Entertainment" to
The scenes are "Bedroom", "Garage", "Living Room".
The HDE-Home file is 20 MB.
They are CPU intensive as they have many clips and quite a lot of animation. There are no shaders.
I am indebted to WyldAnimal, EverthangForever, yidincrete, HombreSinSobra, MrCrowley for their examples and techniques. In particular I used the Bedroom scene I saw on EverthangForever's early posting, and I hope he will not mind too much as I have made extensive changes and additions.
All scenes were created using PhotoShop Elements V13, and work on VirtuaGirl V1.2.0.84.
Joined in Jan 2008

151 投稿
October 22, 2015 (edited)
The bedroom scene was originally created by me and uploaded in my post on Page 2 of this thread (there are two of them...a wide aspect ratio you used, and a standard aspect ratio one):;foId=3&ftId=27449&forum_search=scenes&pageNb=2
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
I decided its time to start a thread for customized scenes like we had for customized skins. I am not sure if the artwork forum section is the right place so if the Mods think this should go into anot...

But that's OK, I don't mind anyone making changes to them. Looks good. Nice work! ;-)
Joined in Feb 2013

56 投稿
October 22, 2015
To FalconAF,I can not see the backgound in "The fashion show" and "Home Entertainment", only girls presented in screen with black background. I use Mac.

Joined in Mar 2008

4047 投稿
October 22, 2015 (edited)
Jplus - 1 hour(s) ago
To FalconAF,I can not see the backgound in "The fashion show" and "Home Entertainment", only girls presented in screen with black background. I use Mac.

I'm going to break my Own Rule Here and Post this.
To make your Scene compatible for both Windows and Mac
use the "/" in all of your Paths to your resources instead of the "\"

you can open the .scn files in any text Editor, and do a search and replace for "\" to replace it with "/"
that will fix the .scn file.

PS. the two new Scene Zips were created by:
not FalconAF

These have not been fixed yet, but are the Links to the two Zip's

PS: instead os a blank Spce in the Name use either a dash - or an UnderScoure _
it will make the URL look nicer.

Thanks for your Work and Sharing your Scenes DrDoom9.

PPS: I would also recommend the same for your Folder names.
use the _ or - instead of a blank white space.


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