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Scarica gratis DIRETTORE (Ethan): "Talia has definately some serious dancing skills at the pole. Such a pleasure to work with her, she is a delightful concentrate of energy she gets through a clever diet, no need to say she didn’t take the sauerkraut at lunch... Stay fit, indulge later."
Total 18 clips divided in Standing 6, Pole 6, Behind TB 2 and On TB 4. Some light touching/rubbing. Bare feet in a few TB clips. Starting Nude (just heels) one Standing,
one Pole and one TB clip.
In The Netherlands we have the expression “Burgundy Life”, which means living the good life with abundant meals (no modern cuisine) and excellent French wines. Talia
Mint didn’t take too much superfluous food guarding her slender figure with the (for me) right proportions. Maybe her beautiful dress is “Burgundy Bourgeois”, but her
special high heels are challenging the bourgeois norm. I hear the other (jealous) women at the party say: “What shoes does she wear? Does she think it’s fashionable?”
The name of the card is derived from the “Always The Love Songs Dress Burgundy”. Only ladies know this. I discovered it by accident.
With the announcement of the messages for the fansign @Celine wrote this about Talia Mint: “And she just made a demonstration of her pole skills that let us agape!”
Nothing to add at this. Talia moves well in the Standing clips. She smiles a lot and has perfect contact with the camera. Again @Celine: “her smile is beguiling.”
The rating: Standing 4,5 (moves well), Pole 5 (great pole skills), Taskbar 5 (smiles), Beauty 5 (beautiful face, perfect body) and Outfit 5 (dress). Total 24,5/5 = 4,9-→ 5 stars.
As Songs of the Show Maurice Emmanuel with“Songs of Burgundy”to find on Spotify. It’s classical music with voices accompanied by piano. One of the songs is “J’ai vu le loup.”
(“I saw the wolf”).
There are very few girls where you have to switch watching them to small size – butn when Talia goes inverted on the pole, in big size half of her disappears off screen. Absolutely fantastic pole skills.
She is also very good at teasing, with looks, little promises of seeing more and playing with the panties. And when she grinds her pussy against the pole (clip 9) – wow! Can’t wait for her four XXX shows…..
In table clip 10, after a lot of teasing, we get our first pantyless upskirt. And we get another oe in pole clip 16 and more of same going into pole clip 18. And table clip 15 sees her squatting full dressed, pulling the panties up into her pussy.
Some clips have shoes, some are bare foot. Table clip 12 is good for the footie-boys.
Excellent show.
6 clips in each of pole, standing and table formats, with a 4min full strip and a nude start in each. 9 clips are full nudity, though the shoes only come off in the later table clips.
No technical problems. The costume is good, especially the shoes, but I’m not so sure about fire-orange knickers with a burgundy dress. She dances smoothly, expressively and with plenty of variety in this relatively restrained show.
Her movements always easy & smooth like a cat
even when she be upside down on the pole.
The slow tease & smile of Talia will be with you
long after you've come and gone. Superb work !!!!!
She has very beautiful blue eyes and a wonderful smile. I really like her natural breats; her nipples are very responsive. She has wonderful legs.
The dress she is wearing is perfect for her. If you are a shoe person she wears these really cool gladiator shoes for a lot of the clips.
The only reason I gave her a four instead of a five is because of the tattoo. I'm not a fan of tattoos.
WIll purchase more of her cards.
Le show quant à lui est parfaitement maîtrisé et c'est un régal de la voir bouger sensuellement sur l'écran. Bravo !
Elle sait jouer avec son corps magnifique et se mettre en scéne dans des positions trés ecxitantes pour s'offrir totalement à notre désir....10/10
J'adore les positions des 20 derniéres photos, on aimerait en voir des comme ça plus souvent... et surtout avec de la lingerie (avec des bas et porte jarretelle)
Donner nous plus SVP Talia,pour me faire perdre plus la tête!XXX