Instala iStripper para ver este exclusivo show erótico de Melena Maria Rya
Scarica gratis DIRETTORE (Ethan): "The big return of Melena after nearly 2 long years ! She now is even sexier than before, slightly less skinny she is now just absolute perfection and always that lovely smile and over positive mood !"
She’s one of the best models on iStripper… it’s blatantly obvious why.
She’s incredibly beautiful … her awesome beauty and super-gorgeous body say it all. She’s truly stunning looking, especially with her golden tan.
Her superb performance is flawless.
Seeing her displaying her beauty and body in this magnificent performance is truly an honour and a privilege.
It’s an absolute pleasure seeing her flaunting her gorgeous pussy.
Without doubt, she really has the most beautiful, neat enticing perfect looking pussy… it’s a pussy connoisseur’s delight. Check out her beautiful gallery of pics.
She is HOT!!!!!!!
Uh, well, sure, gorgeous, sure!
Once i accept the fact -- the embarrassing... stunning... maddening... infuriating... and totally dick dominating fact -- with 10,000 volts of ball frying completely electrifiing awareness -- that "back to home" means, once again, despite six months of intense residential rehab -- with extensive electoshock conditioning treatments (the all female staff were ALL just SO gorgeous, dressed in their mini skirt uniforms and just SO "sypathetic" to my "problem" Ha!), after only two days? I’ve totally and completely relapsed -- back ogling the incredibly beautiful Ms. Rya ( and a few a few hundred, of her iStripper sisters), memorizing her every teasing move, fantasizing endlessly over her incredible bod (30... plus... cards...), surrendering to her endless teasing and taunting, and finding my aching overused cock once again helplessly, set in twitching solid stone, my powerless left arm locked in a perpetual pumping cycle, and ME hopelessly trapped and "willingly" cumming “back home” to Miss Melena Maria Rya's Institute for the Advanced Training of Incurable Jerk Boys!
“I guess you’re just my pathetic pussy boy – aren’t you, baby?”, she whispers with her “innocent” smile! “Like having your cock permanently locked in a solid core, stainless steel erection, baby? Feels right having your arm clamped on, securely riveted, in a nice… tight… fixed…grip?”, she laughs, with her obvious, confident delight!
Yep – it’s "just great" to be back home (Ha!) -- under the complete, hypnotic control of the fabulous femme fatalle Miss Melena Maria Rya!
“Right where you belong, right, baby?”, she whispers, with a bitchy, knowing, challenging smirk on her lovely face!
My aching cock now throbbing in useless anticipation, helplessly locked in solid steel frustration... my powerless left hand riveted on in a maddeningly secure pumping grip...and ME, properly and permanently placed as Ms. Rya’s perpetual pussy pet...
Uh. Ya, sure, gorgeous, sure -- right...where...I... belong...
The complete dominatrix of my every fantasy, the absolutely irresistible masturbatrix controlling my left arm, the beautiful bitchy buster of my aching balls, and the conqueress, and total, permanent owner of my uncomfortably rigid, constantly straining, overworked dick -- the audaciously pussy flaunting, spectacular, fascinating, excellent, magnificent, ravishing, Miss... Melina...Maria...Rya...
I'm... all... yours... gorgeous...
"Of course you are, baby!, she laughs...
Standings: around 12 mins, always starting barefeet, or ending barefeet (except clip #5, 2:05 mins, no nudity, 100% heels)
Poles: around 11 mins, always in heels
Tables: the rest
This is your best photo shoot yet XO's forever . . .
W O W ! ! !
It looks the two years absent aren"t without trace.
The Best of all Girls on IStripper
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