Another promo that doesnt work for me because i have too many cards.random cards, again nothing for meYes, same here!
Same here.
Enough with the random card deals!
Not interested.
Non merci.
Acheter un paquet de 5 cartes aléatoires, pour en avoir de une à 5 autres gratuites (fort pourcentage que ça soit une), non merci.
Trop de risque d'obtenir des cartes que je ne désire pas, et gaspiller des crédits.
Ce n'est pas ce genre de promotion qui me pousse à acheter.
Au contraire, ça me fait garder mes cré comme ces promotions casino reviennent toujours, je n'achète RIEN, même des cartes qui m'auraient tenté.
No thank's
Random mean i will pay too much for cards i can't choose, and probably not even in my wish list.
Since the "promotion" happen very often, probably that it work good for Totem.
Good for you, but bad for us, with a big collection.
Promotion like that only make me don't want to buy anything, even show i would have bought...
What, if anything, would those of you who do not like any randomly selected cards in the Friday special offers prefer instead? Without this aspect the special offers are pretty much equivalent to a permanent price reduction - they would reduce to "buy your favourite cards cheaply", which we would all like but which is hardly practical from a business point of view. Totem, much to their credit, do occassionaly make some offers of that kind, but it can never be the norm unless they are overcharging outside of the offers.
What, if anything, would those of you who do not like any randomly selected cards in the Friday special offers prefer instead? Without this aspect the special offers are pretty much equivalent to a permanent price reduction - they would reduce to "buy your favourite cards cheaply", which we would all like but which is hardly practical from a business point of view. Totem, much to their credit, do occassionaly make some offers of that kind, but it can never be the norm unless they are overcharging outside of the offers.
I agree with many others here that the mystery box feels like a rip off because at the end of the day you may end up with no cards that you want.
I don't think people expect a discount on all cards every week
Some people (like me) value the choice over which cards they have in their collection and getting random cards doesn't offer that choice.
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