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Télécharger iStripper (gratuit) RÉALISATEUR (Ethan): "Skye Blue is an amazing girl from Brooklyn, we were so glad she decided to come visit us after being a playboy playmate ! She is very slim with those amazing 100% natural big breast. Her slender legs are just perfect in those couture stockings."
Skye, Skye, Skye !
Ta coupe de cheveux, ton sourire, ton enthousiasme, la complicité que tu noue avec le spectateur... ta bonne grosse paire de loches qui bouge dans tous les sens, moi, je dis bingo !
Mais maintenant que le show est terminé, je te supplie de rendre les bas à ma grand-mère bien-aimée, elle les cherche partout la pauvre !
J'aime ses regards en coin avec ses yeux très bleus, j'aime ses pincements de lèvres et ses petits cris. J'aime moins ses 2 tatouages et le show est un peu trop soft.
Son passage chez Playboy l'a mis à son avantage, et fait d'elle une femme resplendissante.
Les cheveux bleus d'une autre époque ne l'a mettaient pas en valeur, mais là c'est une toute autre histoire.
La chenille est devenue un papillon dans toute sa splendeur.
Un très bon show
J'espère bien revoir ses bas dans d'autres shows
Pour Skye Blue c'est un 6/5
Skye puts on a great show. She has a superb body… awesome breasts… sexy genital area… cute pink pussy… lovely tight butt… slender long legs… wonderful entertaining style. Simply fabulous!!!
Poles: around 12 mins, 5 clips, 100% heels, 100% no stockings
Tables: 4 clips, 1 is xxx
Your gorgeous, lovely legs showcased so nicely in those silky, nude, seamed stockings, and your shapely, sweet ass framed so nicely by those garters and your sexy, lacey black panties!
Watching you run your hands up and down and all over them just drives me crazy!
Guess I'll just resign myself to the fact that I'll now be spending a lot of my time -- a LOT of it -- with my eyes hopelessly glued to your every teasing move, and my left hand helplessly locked in a tight... fixed... grip...
Playful, seductive, all you wish!
The only question you may ask is, why the lighting was made to the effect that the skin appears unnaturally pale and the contrast in the video is less than you would desire.
W O W ! ! !
Her breasts are not the only features of it and should not be the focus.
She should tease with them not touch them all the time...
The poses are sequencial not coordinated and do not feel natural.
Skye Blue, please think that your public does not need you touch the focus part but give them value by suggestive movement...
Good luck !
Skye Blue.. gotta luv those American girls!!
Another slender, taller model with a pale
A good sulty, seductive look to her.
Pixie cut / nice change of pace from the norm.
Sexy, natural breast that she enjoys to swing.
Skye is a hot model with great movements!!
Very classy and sensual presentation. Love her
modern shorter hair & Skye's professionalism. 5+^90
Fantstic Tits!
Great Ass!
Inviting Pussy!
Sexy short hair!
But, she should leave the stockings on!!!
Skye Blue gets a 10,
this show gets a 4.5,
and the image quality gets a 4.
Her breasts are out of focus in the table clips ... shouldnt someone go to jail for that!?!?
Big sexy natural boobs. Hot @ss and hot face. I could look at her for ages!
oh, and great moves. love her
Skye Blue ist eine extrem wundervolle Schönheit !!!
Sie hat eine umwerfende Ausstrahlung,
einen nahezu perfekten Körper,
in Verbindung mit einer milchfarbenden,
makellosen Haut und einem verboten geilen (diese nylons :))) Outfit !!!
Dazu eine absolut erstklassige Show,
wie sie nur US-Mädels drauf haben !!!
unbedingt mehr von ihr.
vielleicht xxx ???
Abgesehen von den Brüsten - ein süßer Mund.
more.. more.. more of her... put Skye in a hot Lingerie Catsuit, a hot Cosplay Outfit, sexy Secretary and/or a hot duo Show and i buy all of them.
You bad guys on iStripper, you got me again! :D
I´ve added so fast credits to my acount like i rare do... She is so fucking hot, and has perfect Lingerie in this Show.
I hope she does VR Porn soon with the big labels... i only can find her at a bad and cheap VR site, not worth her beauty.
Klasse Fickspalte......
Geiler Arsch........heiß;--)
Klasse Fickluder und geile Rubbelvorlage ;-))
She's sexy and very sweet.
Beautiful natural tits a great woman.
Please, would like to see more from her.
5 stars from me :)