add some more payment method

  Forum / Le coin des nouveaux

Inscrit en Jan 2023

1 message(s)
20 March 2023
add some more payment methord
Inscrit en Nov 2014

1035 message(s)
20 March 2023
Hello, We have recently added "DOLZ" payment method.
I have forwarded your feedback to the Team. Thank you
Inscrit en Sep 2007

1761 message(s)
20 March 2023 (edited)
add some more payment methord

what payment method would you like ?
Inscrit en Jul 2020

1094 message(s)
20 March 2023
what payment method would you like ?
I have a load of old GB pre-decimal currency (pre 1971) coins. Could I use those? 😆
(Sorry couldn't resist) 😉
Inscrit en Dec 2022

8 message(s)
5 April 2023
Can you add a way to use pre-paid visa or mastercards?
Inscrit en Jul 2012

3309 message(s)
6 April 2023 (edited)
Can you add a way to use pre-paid visa or mastercards?

From previous posts on this subject apparently the only way to have this allowed would be to change a law in the USA.

It's not Totem that is preventing you from using these cards, it is the payment brokers and/or the card providers themselves who are doing it at the behest of the US government.

It seems that the restriction is due to international money laundering regulations.
Inscrit en Jul 2018

5 message(s)
23 April 2023
I second this. Epoch, as smooth as it is doesn't always work for me.

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