I just reuploaded iStripper and within the first 15 seconds noticed that you have a new model of color....I thank you from the bottom of my perverted heart!!!!! I didnt know if you guys were listening or not...but I am more than glad to be proven wrong on that account!!! (Now if you can convince her to do a XXX card or two??? hehe)
Merci pour ces commentaires @pickle1Apparemment vous êtes tombé sous le charme de Fanfan.Je pensais bien sûr acheté cette carte et votre post me dit que je pensais bien😛 😄 Thanks for these comments @pickle1Apparently you fell in love with Fanfan.I thought of course bought this card and your post tells me I thought so😛 😄
@pickle1That was a great review of Fanfan, thanks for shareing with us all.After watching the full show she is now my number one.
By the way, this is one of those cards where you see it mirrored when watching full screen vs. desktop mode. Not that it bothers me in the least, it's just something I happened to notice. I don't know how rare or common that is with other cards.
Bien qu’il y ait eu une bonne quantité de critiques de la qualité des spectacles récemment, j’ai certainement « tombé en amour » avec quelques-uns
Salut Olivier, ça va le job, pas trop ennuyeux, chanceux, va !Bon boulot ici et tu as bien fait de garder ces parties, cela donne de la vie au show.Il arrive parfois qu'une fille trébuche, glisse, n'arrive pas bien a enlever un vêtement,...etc., puis poursuit le spectacle en esquissant un sourire.J'adore ces moments, cela nous rapproche de la réalité ou tout n'est jamais parfait, mais on fait avec.Surtout gardez ces petits moments délicieux pour ne pas nous proposez des strip-tease formatés ou tout est réglé à l'avance et qui se déroulent toujours de la même manière. Vive la fantaisie!Merci.👍 Hi Olivier, how's the job, not too boring, lucky, okay!Good job here and you did well to keep these parts, it gives life to the show.It sometimes happens that a girl stumbles, slips, is not able to take off a piece of clothing, ... etc., then continues the show with a smile.I love these moments, it brings us closer to reality where everything is never perfect, but we make do with it.Above all, keep these delicious little moments so as not to offer us formatted stripteases where everything is arranged in advance and which always takes place in the same way. Long live the fantasy!Thank you.
Hi there ! Im the director that shot FANFAN, she was such a huge big surprise, im glad you like her ! She was quite nervous at the beginning, I was the one saying funny things to make her laugh a little bit during the strip to help her to feel more relax. I hope you don't mind these, I was thinking about ask post-prod team to edit these parts but I changed my mind as I find them very cute :) Enjoy friends !Olivier
I just reuploaded iStripper and within the first 15 seconds noticed that you have a new model of color....I thank you from the bottom of my perverted heart!!!!! I didnt know if you guys were listening or not...but I am more than glad to be proven wrong on that account!!! (Now if you can convince her to do a XXX card or two??? hehe)
Plus de filles noires avec des chaussures XXX, s’il vousMerci @BJLover
Grazie @BJLover👌 Finiremo per essere pochi !!!!!!!!!
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