So I have several Folders
Then to make one of them the Current Scenes folder
I quit iStripper
rename the existing data\Scenes folder to data\scenes-004
and then rename one of the others to data\scenes
Then restart iStripper
having to selectively re-activate all their favorite scenes again after use
I want to start the scene, and just have it cycle through the shaders automatically
@Calgon - 'I thought the software remembered the state of each scene even of you move it out and back.'Oh, i didn't know that iStripper maybe keeps activation status when you move stuff around. I must try that
Does it restart the scene i.e a new model at each change of shader ?It does on mine, however depending on the 'Time in Seconds' setting many models can occupy one scene.
MinimumSceneDurationNumber of Milliseconds to wait before changing the Scene after a clip ends.
Oh, i didn't know that iStripper maybe keeps activation status when you move stuff around. I must try that👍
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Totem\vghd\ScenesEach Key:
If you add the Scene back, while iStripper is NOT running
it will use the False or True setting of the this registry branch
when you next start iStripper.
If you add the scene back, while iStripper is RUNNING
then the scene is Marked Active as a New Scene.
What about separate /Shader folders@WA Does RandomShaders.exe need to talk to the Windows Registry at all ?ie: does it need to be installed or can it be just copied to each of the Shader Foldersand used ubiquitously as required ? Will the settings for path etc. (if they are saved individually ) be preserved in each case ?
It does on mine (change the model)
While the Rignt mouse does not cause a restart.
If I have a lot of active scenes and I click the right mouse button it changes the scene and the model swith it - surely that is a "restart"
So if you want to use the Right Mouse Button to cycle through the same scene
you need to make a duplicate scene, and then Multi-Play both of the duplicate Scenes.
Then you can use the Right Mouse Button to Change between Two Duplicate scenes.
I can serialize these saved paths, so each copy uses it's own set of save and loadyes tks boss, please. In my case I would then try to be saving the .exe file in each dormant spare shader folder along with those (needing work) shaders . Making it a complete package for swapping in and out of my working ..ET Scenes/Shaders folder
In my case I would then try to be saving the .exe file in each dormant spare shader folder
La seconde qui est plus dérangeante à mon avis est la scène FGA186C, qui fait que la fille dépasse le cadre de l’écran, ainsi que la base rosée. Ainsi il arrive souvent qu’on ne voit pas la tête de la fille, Ou certaines parties de son corps, étant zoomée.
The second one that is more disturbing in my opinion is the scene FGA186C, which makes the girl go beyond the frame of the screen, as well as the pink base. So it often happens that we don't see the girl's head, or certain parts of her body, being zoomed in.
@ComteDracula et @Philours salutations messieurs.
J'étais loin en vacances, donc il n'y a pas eu de nouveau
conversions de shader publiées récemment. Aie😉
@Philours est exact. La scène FGA186c a été réalisée en supplément pour la table
seulement des fans d'Eve Sweet - afin de mieux profiter de son travail en gros plan.
@ComteDracula & @Philours greetings gentlemen.
I was far away on vacation, hence there have been no new
shader conversions posted recently. Ouch😉
@Philours is correct. The FGA186c scene was made as an extra for table
only fans of Eve Sweet - in order to better enjoy her close up work.
small jerks
Have you tested this with a 64bit version of the program or are you still on 32bit ?
Is it normal for the FGA185 to have various stray spots, like in old movies, and a sort of diagonal rain?
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