@Comtedracula - I wanted to tell you that the FG170 scene does not compile on my PC. The background remains beige.I do not understand why FG170 does not compile on your rig. I show no vghd.log Error on my PC
sprite {
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
pos: 0, 0, 90
source: Torus //change from Torus2
size: 1920, 1080
scale: 1, -1
shader: fragment, Shaders/bub/higher contrast than averageMod01.fsh
clipSprite {
pos: 0, 200, 500
sittingHeight: 300
standingheight: 380
resolution: 1 //change from 20
scale: -1.0, 1.0
source: Clip
id: Girl
size: 3840, 2160
pos: 1920, 1080
size: 3840, 2160 //<----
pos: 0, 1080
standingHeight: 1850
sittingheight: 1600
source: Clip
The shaders willoops, i forgot to add the "empty" directory
grab every available texture which excludes us using
model clipnamesprites or even logos in the .scn
I found itgood to know
overcame some problems of stuttering by repeating
the size parameter in each nested sprite, (when say using 3D
camera zooming) the way we do for nested quads like below.
id: Girl
size: 3840, 2160
pos: 1920, 1080
size: 3840, 2160 //<----
pos: 0, 1080
standingHeight: 1850
sittingheight: 1600
source: Clip
The way you tweeked MetaGlass_u.fsh in the v1.1 is very coolHave added fake specular highlight and the back of the gyroid now "refracts" the background.😎 😵
size: 3840, 2160 //<----
pos: 0, 1080
standingHeight: 1850
sittingheight: 1600
source: Clip
vec3 cm = vec3(0.98,1.0,0.99)*dif;;
vec3 cm = vec3(1.9,1.9,1.9)-dif;
@Philours, la scène FG183 compile t'elle pour vous, car pour moi non ?
Maybe. I use CPU render because my GPU cannot play the cards themselves. A new graphics card might solve some of my problems. My GPU is often at 100% with the trouble scenes but doesn't always produce stutter. It is mysterious to me.😕
V1.4 Looks great.👍 😎
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