Hello all! I downloaded VGHD about 24 hours ago, purchased my first model for 1 credit, and began my search for more 1 credit cards on the demo carousel. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any way of accessing the 50% discount. Has this offer changed since this post on this 'Purchases, Software, Demos, Collection, Profile' sticky?
"If you like a demo, then click "Buy this ?? min. show" (?? will be replaced by a real number) for just ONE credit.
WARNING: make sure to buy it directly from the 'Demos' tab of the software. It is one credit there. It is two credits in the 'Store' tab in the software and on the websites."
I purchased credits under the impression that I would be able to eventually collect all of my desired cards for 1 credit each with enough patience. I even went ahead with a 2 credit purchase from the demo carousel hoping it would change the situation, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. I read here on the forums that logging out and back in might fix it, or that the news button might
do the trick, but I'm still left searching. Any input from the experiences members out there?
Thank you for your time!