A spammer is someone who... Oh crimeny, I'm becoming a troll... A spammer is one who posts pointless material. Spamming occurs when this pointless material rises to an annoying volume where people start to think that maybe you might be a spammer. When the general consensus, is that you are in fact a spammer, you are then, at that moment, a spammer.
More to the point if you are warned about any behavior, or type of post and you ignore that warning and continue doing what you were told not to, then, you are a spammer. Before that, you were ignorant.
If you are unsure about something, usually because you were told not to do that something by another member and not by a moderator, it is exceptable to ask questions. There is an old quote, "It is better to ask questions and be thought a fool, then to not ask questions, and to act like one."