imo they need to get rid of the quest "buy X amount of cards" and replace it with "own X amount of cards"
Instead of the Owning X number of Cards... and not replacing the Buy Card Quests
I would say that the team could Add Quests for a Members iStripper Level.
Become Bronze Level ---> 1 Quest Point
Become Silver Level ---> 5 quest points
Become Gold Level ---> 10 quest points
Become Platinum Level ---> 15 quest points
Become Diamond Level ---> 20 quest points
Become Double Diamond Level ---> 25 Quest points
Become Triple Diamond Level ---> 50 Quest points
Become Master Level ---> 100 Quest points
Become Elite Level ---> 500 Quest points
You don't actually need to level up to that Level during the Event, you earn the Points for the Level you currently are,
and if you advance a level then you get the New Level points.
And Make the Quests retrospective so that you also get all of your Prior Level quest points.
A Master Level Member would then be rewarded 226 Quest points for being Master Level.
and an Elite Level Member would be rewarded 726 Quest points.
This would go a Long way for these two iStripper Level who have very few, or No cards that they can buy..