Make sure to plan out enough time to copy / clone your Existing files from your current Storage device to your New Storage device.
for my New 14 TB drives, I was cloning / copying close to 8TB of existing files.
In the Past I had always used a copy software called EMCOPY it was faster than robo copy and the likes.
But even it was going to take 3 1/2 days
when I 1st started the copy process
I was seeing a High of 130,000,000 Bytes per second, and currently a low of 32,000,000 Bps
at that rate, 8TB will take about 3 and a half days...
based off this transfer rate calculator
https://techinternets.com/copy_calc?doI've been using Macrium Reflect to do my Backups on my NAS
and it has a Clone option.
Wow, what a Difference it made.
I quit the EMCOPY and Switched to Macrium Reflect Clone.
and it was doing a steady full Sector by Sector cloning at 180,000,000 Bytes per second.
Only 15 Hours at that rate...
But it was too good to be true...
My Source Disk had 2 Corrupt files, which caused Macrium reflect to fail at 78% of its clone
So I discovered AOMEI Partition Assistant which has Fault tolerance in it's clone process which Macrium Reflect does not.
AOMEI was not as Fast, only 75,000,000 Bytes per second.
But it completed the clone even with the 2 corrupted files, and it was faster than EMCOPY
took about 2 days, it finished up on the 2nd day while I was *****, so it took 1 day and about 13 hours.
I had already Owned both Macrium Reflect and AOMEI from past projects
and didn't know about their clone options.
So I didn't need to purchase them as I already owned them.
I own the Profesional Version with a Lifetime License
but they have a free version ( I never used it )