Many of the Previews are of themselves, their own clip, and not part of a longer clip.
I wish that there were more (and longer) non-nude clips
I too, often wish we had more, longer, Non-Nude clips, other than the previews.If such a thing would not create a decrease of other sorts of clips - neither a price increase, I would like to see it also.
But not at the expense of replacing a higher level clip.
For me a good balance would be 4 to 6 Non-Nude clips, which include the 3 previews, so 1 to 3 additional...
If such a thing would not create a decrease of other sorts of clips - neither a price increase, I would like to see it also.
A reduction of XXX and full nude content would for sure annoy me. But if it would possible to get the add of a non-nude clip on each card, without reducing other sort of content neither increasing prices (one can dream..) I too would be happy.
Non-Nude clips don't interest me at all.If a model has a nice outfit, I like those non-nude clips very much!
would like it if Totem would just give us more at no extra cost - but that is hardly a realistic option.Sometimes it happens, though: for example we are not charged for cards' technical updates, nor for remastering of old ones: both operations clearly have a cost for the company.
If we had the option of substituting non-xxx clips for the xxx ones, I'd use it.
A function I'd like to have is partial playback of a xxx clip.
The clip would end once the rating exceeded the specified rating in the settings.
That would be an almost pointless option. Totem would still have to make the clips that you do not want so as far as they are concerned it would either be equivalent to making a significantly longer show. or to continuing to make the shows with their current lengths but only giving us part of the show for the same price as we currently pay, or to reduce their profits if they sell partial shows at a lower price.Pointless for you, because you are satisfied with the clips as they are.
Pointless for you, because you are satisfied with the clips as they are.
The substitute clips could simply be a truncated copy of the XXX clips.
***** at its finest. I don't like _____ so you shouldn't be able to buy it either. Silly, especially since you can change the settings and not even get the XXX scenes. I get you don't like it but you can turn it off. Don't punish those who do like it. More bitching about nothing.
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