@Scytha..'Is it because the clips uses different coordinates to set where on the screen they should appear? '
Yes thats right !!
If you look in the scene file in your /data/scenes folder with notepad, you will see an entry in the xxx.scn script near the top, something like this:
clip {
id: Clip 3
allow: top
that means 'top' or swing is uniquely positioned compared to other models.
The vertical positions of swing, pole,taskbar etc. clips are all relative to how the scene graphics are laid out of course so its hard to know what your settings will be without looking at the whole xxxx.scn script.
'top' means swing, and only swing is
allowed there.
the position is shown for example below as a y value of -1070 near the bottom of the script, looking something like this:
clipSprite {
source: Clip3
standingHeight: 550
resolution: 20
material: true
ie: position pos: x, y, z
x being horizontal, y being vertical, (& if it was a 3D camera ) z being depth in pixels.
minus values are left, up, in
positive values are right, down, out
These * are the values to change the position of your model. In your case try a more negative y value
to bring the swing up. To see your changes you need to resave the file & look again on fullscreen. You can keep notepad and VG player open all the time. Just keep editing and resaving until you get it right. when you are happy with the result resave to a new name suffix. That way you will never overwrite your custom changes.
There is a tutorial based on Paris Penthouse Club SCN you can use to help you at:
scenes.virtuastripper.net/GlossaryPPCSS.rtf also
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(basic Scene construction tutorials)