http://www.deskbabes.com/userProfile.php?usLogin=91hebasu said earlier:
Anyway, there's really no ***** in accepting friend requests. It's just a list that allows you to have an easier way to find someone you may wish to talk to through PM's. It's not like anyone can actually stalk you here.
I think this covers the topic in a nutshell. I have accepted friend requests here with no ***** of being stalked, but I'm a guy. Not subject to the advances of men on here. Women need not worry either, as being a friend on here does not increase your chances of being stalked. Any user can PM any other user, friend or not.
Others here have talked of facebook being different. It is and it isn't. I only use facebook to communicate with my family, and my privacy levels are fairly high there. I have had friend requests there, and simply ignore them. Here, it makes no difference if you befriend someone or not. Being a friend does not give premium access to any personal information.
This site is safe. Your fingers and your keyboard may not be. Just don't reveal anything personal and they are no closer to causing you any ***** than they were yesterday.
If you get a PM that is offensive, simply blacklist the sender, and send a PM to a moderator. If you are embarrassed, ask the moderator to keep it on the QT.
NOBODY ELSE WILL KNOW EXCEPT THE MODERATOR YOU CONTACT PERSONALLY. It will be dealt with swiftly and quietly. You can rest assured. Friend or not.
I use my friend's list here to find people quickly that I want to chat with. I can see no other purpose for that list. But I have friends on my list that I haven't had any contact with in a very long time. Maybe it was only once that I chatted privately with them. I see no need to remove them from my friends list. Why? There's no advantage or disadvantage either way.
You're all making a mountain out of a mole hill. Use the friend's list to your own advantage, and for your own purposes. You don't need to worry about someone abusing it, because there is no way that they can!
A real friend is something quite different:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ28LLowPKg s