The main obstacle to SBS is the reduced screen width.
text: Info/infoFractalGarden084f.txt
logo: Info/small_logoFractalgardenA480A.png
clip {
id: Clip
deny: top, inout
nameGlowColor: 0, 1, 1
texture {
id: Sweet
source: Textures/Beige01.png
texture {
id: ppcstage
source: ETImages/Plaftexrot01/PPstageMini.png
framebuffer {
id: Clipx
size: 960, 540 //reduced to half size for clip from 1920, 1080
source: Clip
framebuffer {
id: Sweet01
size: 1920, 1080
source: Sweet
//shader: fragment, Shaders/TheEmu - Null.fsh
framebuffer {
id: Sweet02
size: 1920, 1080
source: Sweet
//shader: fragment, Shaders/TheEmu - Null.fsh
framebuffer {
id: Sweet01a
size: 1920, 1080
//pos: 0, 0, 0
source: Sweet01
shader: fragment, Shaders/clouds.fsh //mrange/Mandelbox slicesMod01.fsh
framebuffer {
id: Sweet02a
size: 1920, 1080
//pos: 1920, 0, 0 //960, 0, 0
source: Sweet02
shader: fragment, Shaders/clouds.fsh //mrange/Mandelbox slicesMod01.fsh
camera {
type: 3D
angle: 45
pos: 0, 0, 1272 //1368
sprite {
id: Sweet01b
size: 1920, 1080
pos: 0, 0, 0
source: Sweet01a
//scale: 0.5, 1.0, 1.0
sprite {
id: Sweet02b
pos: 960, 0, 0
size: 1920, 1080
source: Sweet02a
//scale: 0.5, 1.0, 1.0
sprite {
pos: -240, 210, 685
size: 448, 64 //440
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
source: ppcstage
scale: 0.925, 1.0 //1.85, 1
sprite {
pos: 200, 210, 685
size: 448, 64 //440
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
source: ppcstage
scale: 0.925, 1.0 //1.85, 1
//model left
clipSprite {
pos: -240, 205, 700
sittingHeight: 290
standingheight: 370
resolution: 20
scale: -0.5, 1.0
source: Clipx
//model right
clipSprite {
pos: 200, 205, 700
sittingHeight: 290
standingheight: 370
resolution: 20
scale: -0.5, 1.0
source: Clipx
clipNameSprite {
source: Clip
pos: 360, 224, 565
scale: 0.32, 0.32
I guess this could be tweeked a lot better by a Quest owner
I had trouble using scaling like 0.5, 1.0 maybe because my native screen
resolution is way down at 1670 x 768 .. not sure exactly why the scaling did not apply
plus the original shader did not like any re-scaling at all so could/did
not apply it.
At this stage I'm giving away the pursuit of 3D. I've been watching 3Ds ups &
downs for 20 years & each tech surge always seems to be made redundant in the end.
text: Info/infoFractalGarden084f.txt
logo: Info/small_logoFractalgardenA480A.png
clip {
id: Clip
deny: top, inout
nameGlowColor: 0, 1, 1
texture {
id: Sweet
source: Textures/Beige01.png
texture {
id: ppcstage
source: ETImages/Plaftexrot01/PPstageMini.png
framebuffer {
id: Clipx
size: 960, 540 //reduced to half size for clip from 1920, 1080
source: Clip
framebuffer {
id: Sweet01
size: 1920, 1080
source: Sweet
//shader: fragment, Shaders/TheEmu - Null.fsh
framebuffer {
id: Sweet02
size: 1920, 1080
source: Sweet
//shader: fragment, Shaders/TheEmu - Null.fsh
framebuffer {
id: Sweet01a
size: 1920, 1080
//pos: 0, 0, 0
source: Sweet01
shader: fragment, Shaders/clouds.fsh //mrange/Mandelbox slicesMod01.fsh
framebuffer {
id: Sweet02a
size: 1920, 1080
//pos: 1920, 0, 0 //960, 0, 0
source: Sweet02
shader: fragment, Shaders/clouds.fsh //mrange/Mandelbox slicesMod01.fsh
camera {
type: 3D
angle: 45
pos: 0, 0, 1272 //1368
sprite {
id: Sweet01b
size: 1920, 1080
pos: -20, 0, 0 // slide left to move it back in to the screen
source: Sweet01a
//scale: 0.5, 1.0, 1.0
sprite {
id: Sweet02b
size: 1920, 1080
pos: 960, 0, 0 // at the half screen location
source: Sweet02a
//scale: 0.5, 1.0, 1.0
sprite {
pos: -220, 210, 685 // left eye of the stage
size: 448, 64 //440
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
source: ppcstage
scale: 0.925, 1.0 //1.85, 1
sprite {
pos: 220, 210, 685 // right eye of the stage
size: 448, 64 //440
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
source: ppcstage
scale: 0.925, 1.0 //1.85, 1
//model left
clipSprite { // centered on left stage
pos: -220, 205, 700 // X same as Stage
sittingHeight: 290
standingheight: 370
resolution: 20
scale: -0.5, 1.0
source: Clipx
clipNameSprite { // left side clip name
source: Clip
pos: -170, 224, 565 // Manual adjustment
scale: 0.32, 0.32
//model right
clipSprite { // right side clip offset to the left by 10
pos: 210, 205, 700 // X is 10 less than the stage
sittingHeight: 290
standingheight: 370
resolution: 20
scale: -0.5, 1.0
source: Clipx
clipNameSprite { //Right side clip name
source: Clip
pos: 360, 224, 565 // kept same X adjust left eye X above
scale: 0.32, 0.32
You have conversion software for this with existing OpenGL shader based 2D scenes ..or would you need to rewrite them all ?
I have a different approach to @WA on the last scenes I publised (both approaches work). I put the LHS scene in a framebuffer with the camera offset and then the same code in the RHS framebuffer with the camera offset in the opposite direction. Because each eye is running in its own framebuffer a model can't wander off over the other eye instead of leaving the screen and also if I want a scene element to appear further back - I just move it further back on the z-axis and the camera placement does the rest.
Interesting, I'll have to play around with that.
need to use a 3D frame buffer, so you can make use of the Z depth control..
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