Instala iStripper para ver este exclusivo show erótico de Stacy Cruz
Descargar libre DIRECTOR (Oliver Nanto): "Cuddle time :) Dont be fooled by this innocent look ! Stacy stays crazy wild under that sexy and funny pink pyjamas ! Cool role-play, as always with Stacy. And again, what a body… 100% natural !"
And filled so nicely by Stacy. Love the zip that undoes to reveal her fabulous breasts. Lots of movement in the standing clips – though I’m not sure of the meaning of some of the movements. Stacy is very interactive with the camera / the viewer (i.e. you).
There are five XXX table clips for around 25 minutes. All have sound but no dialogue. The first clip sees Stacy still in the onesie but having a really good fiddle down inside it before finishing off with a single finger. The second clip starts again fully clothed and introduces the dildo being sucked while the finger works the pussy. Clip 3 again starts fully clothed, tit-fucks the dildo which then goes into the pussy from behind and then from the front. Clip 4 is fully naked dildo and finger activity. The fifth and final clip is a gebtle naked show using two fingers.
Another classic Stacy show.
Love the way she presents herself and effortlessly moves into various poses with her fancy moves.
One thing she is certainly good at is pleasuring her super-looking pussy and experiencing awesome orgasms – it’s so evident in her xxx scenes – a true queen of female masturbation – she’s an amazing born-for-porn star.
Of the 14 clips a full 5 of them were XXX for over 20 minutes of explicit action.
She managed an orgasm in each of the 5 clips.
In the 1st 2 & the last 1 she used only her fingers (while sucking on a dildo in the 2nd, & in the rest she used that dildo on herself.
I love her humor. I mean... watch her dance with her own piggy-costume! xD
Stacy, you're the best! :)
You'll litterally ***** your eyes looking at the plush outfit !
Too bad, for I kinda dug the spirit of the card and Stacy was a right girl for it.
Des seins adorables, une bouche terriblement sensuelle, un sourire enchanteur, un souffle très érotique, des fesses exquises et cerise sur le gâteau une petite touffe de poils pubiens au dessus de son trésor. Trèsor qu'elle caresse de façon jouissive, pour elle et pour nous.
Elle est très joueuse et nous entraine dans son jeu. On voudrait tellement que ce soit pour de vrai!
J'adore aussi son costume ample sur sa peau nue.
La sirène Stacy pour mon plus grand plaisir est dec retour ;
Superbe masturbation pour une femme magnifique.
Un régal de mouiller d'xtase avec elle...
Great show for XXX lovers like me.