Instala iStripper para ver este exclusivo show erótico de Joy Lamore
Descargar libre DIRECTOR (Oliver Nanto): "Joy brought with her a very special lingerie made of pearls ! As with all of her other shows, Joy is always very smiling and full of energy. We hope she can come back to see us at the studio!"
Total 22 clips divided in Standing 7, Pole 8 and On Table 7, of which Topless 9 (transparent bra) and Full Nudity 13. No touching/rubbing. Bare feet in most of Standing and Table
and about half of the Pole clips. Starting Nude (no panties) one Standing, two Pole and one TB clip. Starting Real Full Nude (wearing nothing) one Standing, one Pole and one TB
clip. Three clips (Standing, Pole and Taskbar) with a total striptease. To correct @Ullubu: if you look further than just the Table clips, there’s a whole lot of Full Nudity!
Joy Lamore is a model, who gives herself for the full 100% in a show. She is charming with her roguish eyes and fascinating with her serious look. Her own lingerie suited her well.
Joy was for me the best real dancer in 2020 before Elis (less varied), Belka (more controlled), Isabelle (less joyfull) and Zuzu Sweet (I have seen too little of her so far). The Standing
clips are her best: for some hectic, for me dynamic. Next were her Pole clips, with good use without specific skills and then her Table clips. In the Table clips Joy crawls across the
floor, very supple and agile, doing splits and showing her flexibility. My favorite show of Joy was e1522/Desert Dessert with the belly dancer costume, her best outfit!
The rating: Standing 5 (pro dancer, ballet-like style), Pole 4,75 (good use of the pole), Taskbar 5 (flexibility, sultry poses), Beauty 5 (face, body,expressive face) and Outfit 5 (fashion-
able lingerie of her own). Total 24,75/5 = 4,95--->5 stars. Thanks at iStripperteam for contracting the highly talented Joy Lamore, a great find!!!
“Fool For Love” is the title of a song by Lord Huron: “I’m leaving this place behind, and I’m heading out on the road tonight – I’m off for the hinterlands, way up north where the tall
trees stand – Before I commence my ride, I'm asking JOY to be my bride – I know there's another man but he ain't gonna delay my plans – I know she's gonna be my wife – Gonna fall..”
Joy is sensational - her magnificent performance brings so much joy - her performance is a celebration of her beauty and body, and her super-gorgeous pussy, a pussy connoisseur’s delight.
Love this charming Spanish beauty - such an amazing dynamic sexy performer - so adorable!!!
Her beautiful smile, and extravagant dancing make her a performer I want to keep coming back to, and watch time and time again, so if I am a fool for love, I'm a fool for you and I don't mind that as long as you're a fool for the right person, radiant lady with a beautiful name
I keep her in my playlists.
C'est des shows comme çà que l'on veut voir sur Istripper
ok aber nichts besonders
Un petit peu plus serait chouette,croyez en vous , Joy!
Votre vulve est mzagnifique...