Instala iStripper para ver este exclusivo show erótico de Calypso
Descargar libre DIRECTOR (Ethan): "Incredible French model who was under our radar for all this time ! We always say that France is a rich country with beautiful landscapes and it’s a pity to go find elsewhere what you can find here.. well, obviously it works also for models. Even able to get a touch of exotism with this half Vietnamese beauty. This outstanding body, heavy natural tits, one of the most beautiful smile we have seen in IStripper and super long curly hair. Omg. This girl is a super top !! She is great in this light summer dress that hides a nice piece of sexy lingerie !"
Don’t get me wrong – I am not a fan of the tattoos, with so many on so many parts of her body and the two big tattoos on her hip/thigh. But most are faint monochrome so can be “dialled out”.
She is one hell of an attractive girl and has a superb smile that really lights up her eyes (in standing clip 11 she bursts out laughing – priceless). Instant connection – and I love the way she smirks as she teases (she is a superb teaser). If you don’t like the tattoos, concentrate on her face – worth the entry fee on it’s own!
The dress is made for upskirts and flashing and she really does not disappoint. She wears the dress with and without underwear (bra and panties) and she regularly lifts the dress to show what’s underneath or pulls the bodice open to flash her breasts. Fabulous upskirt in standing clip 13 and 14 and again in pole clip 19 (no bra either).
And those breasts are well worth flashing – lovely size, natural and with an excellent bit of droop and small, dark nipples. Fully naked, her body is superb and she poses extremely well with fluid transitions between poses. Nice views of pussy from front and back – no rubbing or explicit action.
She slinks around the stage in the standing clips and does some well-executed spins and poses on the pole. Table clip 9 is an excellent strip from fully clothed.
This girl is a superstar in the making.
7 pole clips, 6 standing, 7 on the table and none behind the table. 4min full strips in standing and on the table and nude-starts in each format. No glass, swing or in-out. The early 2min short pole and table clips form sequences, then there are additional clips with clothes in various combinations. Short standing clips are a delightful jumble of mostly nakedness. 12 full-nudity clips with numerous poses that show all she’s got without being full spreads; no fingers. Bare feet in most table clips and several properly knickerless upskirt clips.
Technically, the lighting is very soft and flat and her skin tone is perhaps a little under-saturated. The everyday dress is nice – looks like a wrap-over but isn’t, with strappy white lingerie underneath, or not, to provide variety. Audalove is an extraordinarily beautiful woman and, considering she’s a model rather than a dancer, she delivers a well directed show that’s hard to fault.
So yea, I could see what someone might see in her. Me, eh, I'd only fly halfway around the world to kiss the ground she walked on.
I'd love to see her show off her pussy a bit more - she seemed ***** to give us a full spread, but she did do a good job of teasing it out, which I can appreciate enough to generally recommend her.
Never forget that love
is unconditional
More of Audalove.
Ce premier show est très bien pour la découvrir centimètres après centimètres et je reste ébahi devant tant de grâce. Un grand bravo et vivement la suite, afin d'en savoir davantage sur cette fille extraordinaire :)
Audalove ist eine umwerfende Sahnegöttin,
die in punkto Schönheit mit keiner anderen vergleichbar ist !!!
Ihre Ausstrahlung ist schlicht ÜBERIRDISCH !!!!!
Das engelsgleiche Gesicht,
der makellose von der Natur überreich beschenkte Traumkörper,
ihre sanften Bewegungen,
das atemberaubende Outfit und dieser gnadenlos entwaffnende Blick ist definitiv nicht zu topen !!!
ich bin ihr jetzt schon hoffnungslos verfallen.
mit sternen nicht zu bewerten.....
Elle est terriblement belle, sexy......
j'éspère la revoir dans de nombreuses scénes.