when i click on the buy button, there is shown 10% for silver and 10% for sale --> this would mean a price of 24 cr for a show released after 2014. but it shows me a price of 24.3 cr which means you get 10% on the discounted price...30*(1-0,1-0,9*0,1)=30*0,81 which means a discount of just another 9% by the "cybermonday" (or a weird price of 24.3 cr)...This way the discount continues to lower, the higher your 'rank' is.For example: A platin member would get an additional discount of 'only' 7% of the original price.
Are DOLZ cards included in the sale? I'm seeing DOLZ cards in the Sales carrousel and when I click on one, I have the options to buy it like a normal card. Is that correct?
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