Mitglied seit in Feb 2023

16 Beiträge
1. September 2023
Hey, any idea where I can get some more sexy music such as the iStripper default one to add? how to search for it etc, looking for something similar
Mitglied seit in Feb 2018

613 Beiträge
1. September 2023
I have found this playlist in Spotify. Not very comprehensive, but it does have some suitable tracks.

No idea what search terms one should use when searching for more suitable music, sorry :(
Mitglied seit in Feb 2023

16 Beiträge
8. September 2023
Thanks for your time Dfner,

I'm looking for instrumentals only, no voice
Mitglied seit in Nov 2008

689 Beiträge
Mitglied seit in Mar 2009

5 Beiträge
16. September 2023
I have been away for a little bit. What happened to loading music from a file location??
The new settings do not have a location for music anymore?
Mitglied seit in Nov 2008

689 Beiträge
17. September 2023
if by "file location" you mean ... \AppData\Local\vghd\data\musics ... then yes it still has the local folder
the OP was asking about adding more music and where to look for some additional music

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