11) Problems when scrollingThis is what I see.
We’re working on it
Do you mind posting a picture where the scrollbars at not visible? We don’t see that here.
21) The "Full screen" mode is poorly named.Since they were first used in VG, I've felt that Large mode, Small mode and Full Screen were poorly named. I would have called them Single Card, Multi-Card and Custom Background. However, the current names are distinct and not a big issue for me.
Why not, what’s the other members take on the name of this?
...not ones that says ERROR, but one that gently explains "I can not do xxxxx because yyyyy".
I have been unable to find where Microsoft have hidden the screen capture feature in Windows 10 though I know its here somewhere
Well we can agree that nowadays programmers are far to lazy to make such big effort ;)HOT BUTTON ISSUE:
They also share common love to magic codes, without clear, easy understandeable explanation...http://www.virtuagirl.com/forumPost.php?foId=3&ftId=33363&gotolastpage=1#post504096Alles über iStripper / Some observations and suggestions regarding iStripper38) "Blank" cards on the "My collection" panel. On the "My collection" panel some cards, namely those which Totem can no longer sell such as those for Alizee or Miss Roxx, are displayed either as blan...
28) Provide a way to spin a carousel.Use the keyboard. Left and right arrow moves the carousel. Hold one of them down and auto-repeat will spin the carousel. After a few seconds release the key. The carousel will shortly stop spinning. I doubt that any human can predict where it will stop.
Fun but not for now
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