Well we've been mounting shaders directly on textures
either in a frame buffer before the camera node or after
it for quite some time. We haven't really got into using
fragment shaders nested in framebuffers & mounted on
2048 x 2048 png substrates as ways to distort 1920 x 1080 jpg
backgrounds using maps. Its very interesting this . Thanks lots :-)
To help me understand the effect, I had to first use a plain transparent
.png at 2048 x 2048 as a normal map at first, then uncomment each in turn of:
shader: fragment, Anim/floating.fsh
//shader: Anim/water.fsh
//shader: Anim/paint.fsh
//shader: Anim/clouds.fsh
//shader: Anim/fireplasmaup.fsh
Its a remarkable live *****/embossing effect (above) .
I haven't tried any of your earlier shaders in lieu of these
because yours are generally clipsprite focussed & don't generally run
as 'stand alones' quite the way Totem's .fsh do on textures.
Also, I've been trying to slow down your Trippys forward motion using scaling like
#define iGlobalTime u_Elapsed * 0.0864 for every shader in the .scns
without success. Is there some
other way we could use to slow em down a tad ?