2021-08-18T01:40:56[] WARNING[QOpenGLShader::compile(Fragment): ERROR: 4:120:= : cannot convert from "2-component vector of highp float to highp float"
ERROR: 4:183: assign : cannot convert from "3-component vector of highp float" to "highp float"]
2021-08-18T01:40:56[] WARNING[*** Problematic Fragment shader source code ***
lv=length(tpn)*(lp-Pos)*3.14159265; //related shadows to tpn ~ETlv is a float but tpn is a vec3 and lp-Pos is a vec3 so it is a conversion error
vec3 lvn=length(tpn)*(lp-Pos);
lv=(lvn.x)*3.14159265; //related shadows to tpn ~ET
float aspect=iResolution.xy/iResolution.y;my Quick fix was to remove the .xy swizzle and make it just a .x swizzle so all sides a just floats
float aspect=iResolution.x/iResolution.y;
my quick fix was to define a new vec3[/code]
and then use the swizzle of that which fixes the conversion error
vec3 lvn=length(tpn)*(lp-Pos);
lv=(lvn.x)*3.14159265; //related shadows to tpn ~ET
I start by deleting the vghd.log file so it is empty
Then I start the Scene, and exit the scene
The error will be listed in the top couple of lines.
I wish it told us what the name of the Shader is, instead of just listing the Shaders code.
when you open it with notepad++
you see line numbers along the left side.
these correspond to the line number reported in the error codes.
I start by deleting the vghd.log file so it is empty
Then I start the Scene, and exit the scene
The error will be listed in the top couple of lines.
I do the same when investigating a problem. It makes life much simpler
I have to find a way of occasionally running shaders just with the intel GPU
@ComteDracula .. for my part, I deleted scene 119 and renamed scene 119a to 119. Is this OK? I just want to be sure, that there was only one scene with ET119.
FG104 , is it supposed to have a black outline ?Yes it was a tad too much "in my face" for me without it.., however you can eliminate it, by bringing the 3D camera a touch forward by editing da .scn
camera {
type: 3D
angle: 45
pos: 0, 0, 768 //0, 0, 1200
target: 0, 0, 0
I will have to probably reinstall GIMP. Set its default color save profile to sRGB, and try to do it that way.During these lockdown days, I did some housekeeping..as above
Similarly, future vghd.log NodeAnimation::set Warnings like
[Unknown curve "loopforward" for node ""]
WARNING[Unknown curve "pingpong" for node ""]
will be auto-fixed (I hope) by me using only lower case when writing all future animation parameters.
animate : 30, pingpong, linear, pos, 0, 50 // correct order
animate : 30, linear, pingpong, pos, 0, 50 // wrong order
Btw, the HP desktop PC I bought less than a year ago does not offer a choice of GPU..that way
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