Hey et big welcome @Cupidostar. Love your Blue starburst lake surrounds and the lit conservatorium. Nice to have more taskbar scenes. Nice to see some more water cascading too. I like the Big Waterfall. For me, I had to set it flowing a touch slower to match better my music, eg: below, but its a great scene ;)
//animate: 1.7, loopforward, linear, pos, 0, 1100, 0
//animate: 1.7, loopforward, linear, opacity, -0.9
animate: 24.7, loopforward, linear, pos, 0, 1100, 0
animate: 12.7, loopforward, linear, opacity, -0.9
@Hombre nice going. So now fill the room with new Y pos and standing height girls = party woohoo !!
@Zebra, Thank you so much for your supreme effort!!!now we have context for combining more shaders into SCNs than ever before. Its a shame we can't put a syntax expression for 'select Random shader' like we can for select random image with a simple ../