(x) Porthole
This is a Very Nice Scene. Yes it's a bit heavy on the GPU rendering..
I couldn't resist...
I made a 3D SBS version, and sent you a Link to test out..
( I won't release my 3D Mod, but if you like it, feel free to tweak it and share your results..)
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
// Define the interocular distance (adjust this value as needed)
float interocularDistance = 0.01; // Positive value for demonstration
// Compute normalized coordinates for the current pixel
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
// Determine if the pixel belongs to the left or right eye
bool isLeftEye = fragCoord.x < (iResolution.x / 2.0);
// Adjust the UV coordinates for left or right eye
if (isLeftEye) {
// Left half of the screen
uv.x = (fragCoord.x / (iResolution.x / 2.0)); // Map from [0, 1]
} else {
// Right half of the screen
uv.x = (fragCoord.x - (iResolution.x / 2.0)) / (iResolution.x / 2.0); // Map from [0, 1]
// Adjust UV coordinates to range from -1 to 1
uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0;
uv.y *= iResolution.y / iResolution.x; // Adjust y for aspect ratio
// Define the camera origin with interocular distance applied
vec3 eyeOffset = isLeftEye ? vec3(-interocularDistance, 0.0, 0.0) : vec3(interocularDistance, 0.0, 0.0);
vec3 ro=vec3(sin(iTime*.2+sin(iTime*.2)*.2),sin(iTime*.2+sin(iTime*.1)*.1),5.)+ eyeOffset;
//// 3D SBS MOD by WyldAnimal
//// Left EYE Scene Wrapper by WyldAnimal
framebuffer {// Left EYE View
//////// Wrap the entire scene into a frame buffer and a Quad.
id: Left-EYE-Scene
size: 1920, 1080
quad {// left Quad
size: 1920, 1080
hotspot: 0,0
camera { //open the Left Camera
type: 2D
id: main
Have you used this method before, I haven't seen it.
You can wrap a 2D or a 3D camera into a frame buffer.
then display it using a 2D or 3D camera...
adds lots of Scene flexability.....
It would be nice to see someone remix
that code some more if they have the time (on any of these)..
#define iTime -u_Elapsed * .5If I ever buy a headset, should be quite good..tks pal ;)
vec4 vT = gl_TexCoord[0];
float randNum1 = texture(texture1, vec2(0.,0.)).a;
// Scene: 35
// Source: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/sdlXRj
// By: FabriceNeyret2 (...or Forked by)
// Title: flownoise-isolined Britney stric
sprite {
source: Girl, 0
source: Font, 3
size: 3840, 2160
//size: 1920, 1080
uniform: scene_duration, float, 18
uniform: bgnum, float, 35
uniform: maxbgnum, float, 47
shader: fragment, shaders/timed/ti-r-sdlXRj.fsh
//scale: 2.0, 2.0
uniform: maxbgnum, float, 47
uniform: bgnum, float, 35
uniform: scene_duration, float, 18
source: Font, 3
With the DOLZ NFT's releasing the XR content,
I thought there might be a rise in members using a VR headset.
Well that works too, but I can't make sure that each image is randomly shown only once...
You can wrap a 2D or a 3D camera into a frame buffer.
then display it using a 2D or 3D camera...
adds lots of Scene flexability.....
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