September 21, 2024 , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
These are points earned in the current event, Event Quests.
Go to this (the tab immediately to the right of 'Featured', though it may have a different name until you click on it).
Back 2 School Event Quests.
Click the quests button.
Here is what mine shows:
Show quests, 0/5 completed
Slot Machine quests, 0/6 completed
Thrill Spin quests, 0/6 completed
Golden Ticket quests, 0/5 completed
Dolz quests, 2/8 completed
Bonus quests, 1/5 completed
As you complete these quests, you gain points.
1000 points let you attain the SEC card of Erin Pink.
I am not sure if the EX card of Atlantis Deep can be attained this way. I believe yes.