Isn't that exactly the attitude you adopted when you arrived on this app?I guess so, but that was four years ago, and the store for me was full of thousands of cards to win.😊
Much as I would have really liked this duo card I am managing to hold out and am still currently sitting at 0 points for the event.@Number6 good man! I've slipped just a bit, gathering the easy points for daily visit to the event. Currently on 70.
I would however be interested in the duo card if it became available to purchase at a reasonable price.@JonC001 Many of us feel the same. But what's a "reasonable" price?
I will also join in with the rest of the members and voice my concern about this Tripple Quest Event Needing to Reach 4000 points.
The Marketing Team should take all of these complaints into consideration and Find a way to make these more Attainable for all.@Wyldanimal yes they should! 3000 points target they might just have got away with it. Most of us don't want to have a years plus supply of credits here when the money would be better left in the bank.
I guess so, but that was four years ago, and the store for me was full of thousands of cards to win.
Some lovely surprises discovered as a result along the way.
The promos/games then were much quicker and easier to do it seemed to me.
This last event I came away with a massive feeling of having been an idiot. I think I will be very selective on when and where I spend credits in the future.
self-awareness is the first step towards improvement. if you are consistent then you can save a lot of credit. ;)
I ***** Totem will take the wrong lesson from my action - they will see that Ex cards spur activity. What they should notice is that Ex cards cause people who otherwise would buy a few cards each week hoard their credits and their $$.
I am thoroughly ashamed to say that I cracked.😰 😰 😰 Having got back from an early Xmas Party and looking at the reload bonus I bought a 2500 credits package (3000 with the reload bonus)With the 1500 tickets I played enough of the games to get to 2500 tickets and then bought another 2500 credit package (3000 credits with the reload bonus)One thing for certain is that this will not happen again in the near future. I have over 6000 credits and, because of the advent calendar, I do not have to start purchasing cards until 26 Dec. It is well in excess of 1 years shows.If I keep a full collection and have all those credits there is really no way I can compete in another Ex card until next Black friday at the earliest.To be honest it was only the fact that I really love duo cards (and a few drinks😆 at the Xmas Party) that caused me to "crack". Any other card I would probably have said no to and not paticipated. There are two other Ex cards that I don't have simply because there is no easy route to obtaining them if you have a full collection and a lot of credits in hand.😰
I am thoroughly ashamed to say that I cracked.😰 😰 😰 Having got back from an early Xmas Party and looking at the reload bonus I bought a 2500 credits package (3000 with the reload bonus)With the 1500 tickets I played enough of the games to get to 2500 tickets and then bought another 2500 credit package (3000 credits with the reload bonus)One thing for certain is that this will not happen again in the near future. I have over 6000 credits and, because of the advent calendar, I do not have to start purchasing cards until 26 Dec. It is well in excess of 1 years shows.If I keep a full collection and have all those credits there is really no way I can compete in another Ex card until next Black friday at the earliest.To be honest it was only the fact that I really love duo cards (and a few drinks😆 at the Xmas Party) that caused me to "crack". Any other card I would probably have said no to and not paticipated. There are two other Ex cards that I don't have simply because there is no easy route to obtaining them if you have a full collection and a lot of credits in hand.😰
I have over 6000 credits and, because of the advent calendar, I do not have to start purchasing cards until 26 Dec. It is well in excess of 1 years shows.If I keep a full collection and have all those credits there is really no way I can compete in another Ex card until next Black friday at the earliest.Same for me. I don't need another credit for next 1 1/2 years if I purchase all cards. I have some jokers left for SEC cards. But the next EX cards will be hard. Either they can be obtained with enough quests for "having cards" or I probably have to skip them.
I am thoroughly ashamed to say that I cracked.@Number6 I doubt you are the only one.😰 😰 😰
I am thoroughly ashamed to say that I cracked.😰 😰 😰
Having got back from an early Xmas Party and looking at the reload bonus I bought a 2500 credits package (3000 with the reload bonus)
Alissa Foxy and Eve Sweet do not have a duo
I am thoroughly ashamed to say that I cracked.😰 😰 😰 Having got back from an early Xmas Party and looking at the reload bonus I bought a 2500 credits package (3000 with the reload bonus)With the 1500 tickets I played enough of the games to get to 2500 tickets and then bought another 2500 credit package (3000 credits with the reload bonus)One thing for certain is that this will not happen again in the near future. I have over 6000 credits and, because of the advent calendar, I do not have to start purchasing cards until 26 Dec. It is well in excess of 1 years shows.If I keep a full collection and have all those credits there is really no way I can compete in another Ex card until next Black friday at the earliest.To be honest it was only the fact that I really love duo cards (and a few drinks😆 at the Xmas Party) that caused me to "crack". Any other card I would probably have said no to and not paticipated. There are two other Ex cards that I don't have simply because there is no easy route to obtaining them if you have a full collection and a lot of credits in hand.😰
I am thoroughly ashamed to say that I cracked.😰 😰 😰
@dar2112vAlissa Foxy and Eve Sweet do not have a duoEve Sweet has the following duo cards:Full show Full show Full show Full showThe only SECs that are also duo cards:Full show Full showDolz also has one duo: this is Alissa Foxy and Kelly Collins from the second season.The other Dolz duo card is Christy White and Eve Sweet, Special Edition via Babydolz
Thought of an idea how to reward members with full collections.Give them 100 quest points for every removed card that they own.
almost all the VR'sHmm that reminds me, there were no quests for buying VR shows.
Hmm that reminds me, there were no quests for buying VR shows.That too might have helped a few that have all or most cards.
Not really - I have all of them as well.Hmm okay, well owned prior to, as well as purchased during the event.
4000 Event point pour la carte Ex de Inna Sea & Kristy Sea. C'est un non sens. Totem exagère.
Members have asked:
How much does a Joker cost?
How much does an SEC cost?
If you Play the Slots to Only win the Credits and Jokers.
Then Later use the Jokers to Buy the SEC cards, then you can Buy a SEC card by using a Joker for a little over $21.
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