After using Version 2.0 a few days, I like the overall look in general and it could become a nice version.
However, in many details it feels like a real .0 Version, which still lacks usability.
In collections I'm missing the filter by year. I loved to have a rough filter by year and then use the other filter/sorting options.
The scrollbars don't work really well. With mouse they are ok. Page down/Page up don't work. Up and down keys work, but the main window main window doesn't have the focus initially and I first have to click somewhere there to get up/down working.
In the set details the "other shows you own" is completely disordered. Or at least I see no logic sorting criteria.
In the card details I don't like the order of the blocks. For me set description, other sets of the model, gallery and videos are more important than reviews and ratings. It would be great if we could customize the order of the content boxes. Again the scrollbars don't work with keyboard at all.
Set description has a scrollbar in the middle of the box if the description is too long. Not very user-friendly. The whole box is on my screen 10 cm, but for the text you use only 3,5 cm. Each category keyword uses 8mm hight + 2mm gap to the next line. => At least for me the important things use too little percentage of the available space.
Why don't you use a dynamic size for the complete box or find some other layout for it. Reviews and Ratings have a dynamic size already.
For Photos I would prefer a gallery presentation to a stream presentation. Ok, tastes might be different. And on the photos I would prefer some kind of interaction (like double click for zoom/unzoom or key shortcuts) to clicking on the menu at the bottom.
Help is also not working. In settings I see a ? for almost all functions. But if I click on it, nothing happens.