in the data folder is a filed named
in iStripper go to the Queue view
Disable the previews ( the Button Reads Enable Previews when previews are turned OFF )
Go to your Store
the card in the upper left
Right click on it
select Previews, Download
Then Select ALL cards in the Store ( click a blank space between two cards Press CTRl-A )
the card you just got the previews for Right click on While ALL cards are Selected.
select Preview, Delete
This Action will Appply to Every card Selected ( delete the previews from All of your Store )
quit iStripper
browse to the Data folder
delete that file demos.lst
restart iStripper
go to the Store, Select a card you want a Preview for, and Manually download them
Right click, select Preview, Download.
Go to the Queue View
click on the Enable Previews Button, it now will read Disable Preview = Previews Enabled.
This process should cycle a New set of Previews..
Let me know how you make out.