Andreina Deluxe

 4.73 (1638 ビデオ)
Andreina is a pure latina, she's from Columbia and came to our studios with her sexy 26 years, including 6 without having a hair cut! Her sublime slim tan body and irresitible smile are an absolut must! Andreina is not only an adult model, she's also a confirmed violonist! She loves traveling, cooking, doing some shopping and.. sleeping ! When we asked her to describe herself, she said she's always honest, generous and helpful... Andreina is too perfect to be real
  • 出身地: Medellin
  • 国籍: Colombia
  • 年齢: 26 歳
  • 身長: 170 ft.
  • 体重: 52 lb.
  • スリーサイズ

