Hello mitchell and Philours, and all other user's,
i confirm, we can desactive the automatique download of preview.
this option is in (queue - desactive enable preview)
i confirm also we can delete, download all preview we want and place it in the wishlist, we can remove preview of wishlist.
or you leave the program choise the preview for you who can present a flash option, or you download yourself.
you can prepare one queue with only preview"s if you want.
and of course the program have a other design about preview gestion and all other gestion, but you can made this gestion with the time, and if an option is not really present or different, it's not a big deal, as long as we enjoy watching the shows, well it's just an opinion.
i propose you, when you made the upgrade, have a look in all program, and use the right clic on icone, take the time to see everything.
hope you use now the new program more easy, there are alway one person who want help if problem to use the new program.
I am discovering the program too ;-) My advantage may be that I am curious.
have a nice day and lot of nice shows.