Since you've recently opened this account, normally, you can only play the cards bought with this same account. Cards bought with another account are not transferrable. However, If you can prove that you were the account holder for a much older one, maybe Totem could allow you to transfer your purchased cards but I wouldn't hold my breath. Then again, I've seen Totem bend over backwards to help genuine members 😊
If you're talking about pre VG2 cards then I'm pretty sure the answer is no. :(
The VG classic collection is available at a low price rate. You are Platinum so have access to these cards. They are a selection of the most popular models before VGHD came along. Each card has a mixture of outfits from their sets. The Quality is only 480P and so really only for those members that truly like the models.
Everything since VG2 is available and will run fine on the current software... a and c series come in 720P and later in 1080P.
I can only suggest you state your case with as much info as you can provide to the Team thru a help ticket. Provide old pseudos, email addy's, that sort of thing. Good luck! 😎